November/December 2018 Antique Power
/The November/December 2018 issue of Antique Power magazine will be available in subscriber mailboxes and on newsstands soon. Our latest cover tractor is also our 2018 Century Tractor—a 1918 International Harvester Mogul Model 10-20 which is owned by Ted Shultz of Waverly, Nebraska.
One Cylinder Was Enough
Ted Shultz struck the motherlode when he bought a job lot of International Harvester Mogul tractors that included a 1918 Model 10-20.
by Tyler Buchheit, photos by Al Rogers
Early tractors, or traction engines as they were sometimes called, were slow and heavy. Their purpose was to replace steam traction engines and animal power. Many firms had been producing gasoline- and kerosene-powered traction engines since the turn of the 20th century, but these designs were often based on scaled-down versions of steam engines, weighing many tons.
George “Ted” Shultz of Waverly, Nebraska, came to own three Mogul 10-20 tractors in 2007, when friend and fellow collector Bill Overturf of Oak, Nebraska, decided to sell some of his collection. Shultz had asked Overturf numerous times to sell him a stationary gas engine and to let him know if he ever decided to sell any of the Moguls.
On a Sunday in April 2007, Schultz was in Indiana visiting a fellow collector who had a collection of the older-style Mogul tractors. Meanwhile, Overturf left a message for Shultz that same morning telling him that he wanted to sell his collection.
The following Monday morning, Shultz made a deal on the stationary gas engine and retrieved it later the same week. Overturf had already loaded several semi-loads of sold tractors and parts, leading Shultz to assume that very little of the collection remained. To Shultz’s surprise, the previous buyers had bought very few of the rare items.
As he and Overturf walked around, they came upon one of the Mogul 10-20s. When Shultz asked if the Mogul was for sale, Overturf responded that all the Moguls and parts that he had acquired over the years would be sold in one lot—he had spent a lot of years collecting and wanted the Moguls to stay together.
To read more about our Century Tractor, a 1918 IH Mogul 10-20, pick up a copy of the November/December 2018 issue of Antique Power magazine!
Other articles in this issue include:
Remembering the Yankee - Antique Power honors Ed Bezanson (1942–2018) who was a brilliant scholar and wonderful friend. (by Antique Power Staff)
A Secret Life - Fred Leenstra’s 1948 Oliver Model 88 was not the orchard tractor it appeared to be when he first saw it. (by Candace Brown)
Massey-Harris Helped Win the War - A 1940 Massey-Harris Model 201 has found a comfortable home in Craig Sitter’s private museum. (by Rick Mannen, photos by Karen Zandersons and Xander Geister)
New & Improved - A 1951 John Deere styled Model AR was a pleasant addition to Don Stuhlsatz’s tractor collection. (by Ray Hoffman)
A Persian Orange Delight - Restored from its state of disrepair, this 1948 Allis-Chalmers Model G has found a loving home with David Badger. (by David Badger)
Canada Connection: The Threshing Syndicates (by Rick Mannen)
Gallery: 1948 Farmall H (by Dawson Andersen)
Letter from the Editor: Long, Straight Rows (by Rick Mannen)
Letters to the Editor
Of Grease & Chaff: A Labor of Love? (by Ted Kalvitis)
Photos from the Attic: Fordson (by Mike Meyer)
Tech Tips: A Delicate Approach to a Barn Find (by Ted Kalvitis, photos by Angela Denizac)
Tractor Show: Readers show off their favorites
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